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April 6, 2021

I realized that I hadn't posted in anything in a while, but I have been SO BUSY.

I heard something not that long ago that I've been wrestling with a little lately; "if you're too busy to spend time with God, then you're busier than He intended you to be." At first I was like whoah.. is that me? But after reflecting on this past year, I don't think it is. Yes, I am very busy; however, this year I have discovered just how IMPORTANT it is to spend time with our Father everyday. And not only that, but that it is something I truly want to do. When I was younger I knew who God was, I knew what my life was supposed to look like, the right things to say, and would read on my own some... but I didn't really understand. A lot of my faith solely stemmed from my parents, and I think because I didn't have a full grasp on who God is; I made some poor decisions. There is a difference in knowing OF God, and knowing WHO God is.

But getting back on track, even though I am incredibly busy, I am also incredibly joyful. My busy schedule keeps me on my toes, but I don't feel stressed; which I feel like only proves that I am exactly where I am supposed to be.

I had felt it on my heart to start a Bible study in AOII, but I was scared. I was scared that no one would show up, that people would put me in a box, and it would be one other thing I have to do every week... I talked to the girl I have discipleship with, Jasmin, about my thoughts on this, and she really encouraged me to go for it.

In our chapter we do something called 'sister mail' which is just little notes or letters from other girls in the chapter, and the notes that I received reassured me that, this is what I was supposed to do. One of them read: "Chloe, you show the love you have for the Lord in everything you do!" Which is the BEST compliment I could receive. AND after that, a girl that I had just recruited pulled me aside saying she had something for me, and proceeded to give me a note and a gift card to a coffee shop. In the note she talked about what an impact I had on her, how thankful she was to have met me, and that I helped her become more herself than she thought she ever would be. I began to realize the difference that I can make in peoples lives, and the true impact my actions have on others. With that, at our chapter meeting I decided to be bold and mentioned that I would be starting a Bible study that Monday. Afterwards, I actually had quite a few girls reach out to me wanting to join which really encouraged me.

Proverbs 11:14 "where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors, there is safety."

I held the study that next Monday, and was terrified that no one would show; however, I had about five girls come. Everyone was so open, honest, and excited to dive into the word together. My heart was very full after we met, and I am incredibly proud of those who came.

These may seem like small things, but it is so cool to see God work in my life and the abundance of prayers He has answered!

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